“Wow! I can’t believe this is really happening!!” I thought as I fastened the last buckle of my parachute and climbed onto the wing of the navy blue Stearman biplane. Tingles of nervous anticipation raced through me as Cousin Dave helped me buckle the seatbelts and calmly explained emergency procedures. In front of us, in
his blue and yellow plane, Cousin Rick guided Dad through the same process as we prepared to make the flight from the hangar to the showgrounds of the Flying Circus. With my ear plugs in, sunglasses and flying cap on, buckles securely fastened, and the last adjustments made, I sat back to enjoy my surroundings and wave goodbye to Cousin Bill and the rest of the family on the ground while we waited for our pilots to finish their preparations. Moments later, another thrill shot through me as the engine sputtered, then came to life with a roar.
We taxied over to the runway and I remember thinking, “We’re off!!”, as the planes took off in formation. At first, we just flew in big circles, gaining altitude in preparation for the aerobatics. We made a couple passes over the hangar while we were doing this and waved to those watching from below. (One time, I actually reached outside of the cockpit to wave… and about got my arm ripped off because I wasn’t prepared for the force of the wind!) My nerves continued to tingle, and suddenly the feeling intensified when we split from
formation – the real fun was about to begin! Glancing in the mirror (the only method of communication in the open-topped plane), I saw Cousin Dave motion to ask me if I was ready for a loop. Shivering with a mixture of nervous suspense and intense excitement, I signaled back “thumbs up!” Suddenly, my stomach jumped as the plane dove down for a second, then began climbing up, up, up. I grabbed the rails as we reached the top of the circle, and then we were upside down! For a few seconds, I savored the exhilarating sensation of hanging upside down in the harness, and then my heart leaped into my throat as we dove back down the other side……
“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) How true we found this verse to be while we were in Virginia last weekend! We had been planning to go to the Family Encouragement Weekend for quite a while, looking forward to it with much anticipation as one of the biggest highlights of our year. This year we wanted to get there a day early to help with the preparations, so we left on Wednesday night, split the trip, and went the rest of the way on Thursday. Little did we know that the Lord would use the extra time we had planned in a way we would’ve never imagined…
While we were traveling up the Interstate on Thursday, we received a call from my aunt. When she found out where we were headed, she exclaimed, “Oh! We have cousins that live there!” As it turned out, my grandfather’s first cousin, Bill, and his wife, Marty, live just around the corner from our friends! But I’m getting ahead of myself… After another phone call or two, we got the contact information for them and tried to call, but had to leave a message. Not knowing whether they would be home or not, we decided to stop
by anyway, hoping to get to meet/reconnect with them. Imagine what they must have been thinking when their house was peaceful and quiet one minute, and invaded with 12 practical strangers the next!! However, they were very gracious and invited us in, and we sat and talked for about an hour and a half. It was a great visit! Cousin Bill is a retired commercial airline pilot, and flying runs heavily in the family; in fact, Cou
sin Marty has written a book about flying. Their two sons are also commercial pilots, and fly on the weekends at a local airshow called the Flying Circus. Throughout the course of the visit, especially after they found out that Dad has his private pilot’s license, they repeatedly urged us to come back on Sunday to meet their boys and go to the show. We wanted to, but were unsure of whether it would work out, since Dad was supposed to be back at work in Monday, and we had a 9 hour drive between Virginia and home…
We just kept praying about it through the whole weekend, asking the Lord to work it all out if it was His will. Our friends offered their home for another night, and Dad made a few phone calls, trying to get Monday off. We were absolutely thrilled when everything worked out, but our joy then was only a
prelude to blessing of that Sunday afternoon and evening. Immediately after church, we slipped away and raced back to Cousin Bill and Cousin Marty’s house. We met their “boys”, Rick and Dave, while they were getting their airplanes out and preparing to leave for the Circus. Much to our surprise, they told us that “anyone who wanted to ride was going to ride!” (I
wonder if they had any idea what they were getting into before they offered that…) Dad and I were the first volunteers… the story above tells about that. 🙂 The ride over was fantastic! I’ve wanted to ride in a stunt plane for almost as long as I can remember, and I know Dad was absolutely delighted to be in the air again (Cousin Rick let him fly most of the way there)! After we had done a loop and a roll, we headed straight for
the showgrounds, and as we flew over the beautiful countryside, I sat back in awe: the only thing I could think was “God is SO good!!”
When we arrived, our cousins took us to the pilot’s briefing. Cousin Dave introduced us, and mentioned that our family sings, and the moderator shocked me by asking if we would sing the “Star Spangled Banner” at the beginning of the show! Dad agreed, although I have to admit, I got far more nervous about that than I did about the plane ride! The rest of the family arrived a few minutes later, and we had a great time watching the show – it was amazing! I don’t have time to go into detail about the rest of the afternoon, but between the show, airplane and ATV rides, and visiting, we had a fantastic time! Cousin Dave’s wife, Terry, and their two girls, Rory and
Elly, also came – what a delight to meet them! (We’re still waiting to meet Cousin Rick’s family… hopefully next time!) When we finished up everything at the showgrounds, we went back to the hangar, where we picked up Cousin Marty (she hadn’t been with us at the show) and went out to eat.
By the time we said our final goodbyes at 10:30 that night, we’d had an incredible day. The Lord’s hand of providence was so evident in everything that happened; we marveled at the way He worked it all out in a way that far exceeded our wildest imaginations!! But the biggest blessing we received didn’t
come from the material generosity of our new-found family. As Dad said it, yes, the airplanes were cool and everything, and we had a fantastic time, but what really impressed us the most was the genuine love and tenderness that whole family showed toward one another. Honestly, we have never seen anything like it! There was never a correction or argument, a joke at another’s expense, or even the slightest suggestion of anything other than kindness and friendship. The couples acted as if they were still on their honeymoon; the brothers were obviously best friends. The loving
looks, the care, and concern of parents, children, and siblings for one another was amazing to watch! We came away feeling rebuked for our own lack of affection and tenderness, and yet encouraged to show our love to each other more! “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” (Hebrews 10:24) “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;” (Romans 12:10) “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” (1 John 4:11)
We praise God for so clearly directing our steps; truly, “…Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
WOW!!! What a unique and exciting opportunity!! You
were right, Amanda, this looks like something we
would enjoy, especially Alec. I think it is neat to
be able to meet/reconnect with relatives. It is exciting to reflect on how the Lord works things out
in His time. I’m sure you all were a blessing to them as much as they were to you.
Darlene, you look pretty impressive in the plane!:)
Did any of you take flying lessons while in the air?
Amanda… you continue to amaze me, along with the rest of your family. 🙂 What a special treat and adventure. My first airplane ride was in a tiny airplane, my second in a glider; now I love the little planes, but am SURE I need to stay right-side up! Kathryn looks like Amelia Earhart, Mom looks, well… simply darling; you all look like you were having fun.
Very well written, Amanda! I could feel the plane hanging upside down as you described it. I sure have been inspired to “fly high” and settle for nothing less than the best!
So it DID work out! Amazing! Amen, God is SO good, not because He gives us everything we want, but because He knows and does what really is best! Y’all keep flying high! I think of Eph. 2:5-7 “Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us… and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”
Oh WOW, Amanda – that is FANTASTIC! Sounds like SO much fun! A very well-written story. 🙂 And I love your conclusion at the end. It’s so refreshing to be with a family that shows true love for one another; one reason why we love to be around you guys. 🙂
I’ve only flown once, and, since I’m afraid of heights, I’ve had mixed feelings about doing it again, but reading this, and looking at the photos, has made me decide that if I ever get a chance to fly again, I’m taking it! …By the way, I didn’t know your dad has a private pilot’s license. That’s so cool! 🙂
Sometimes I wish I could just follow you around to watch your next adventure. 🙂
…But then I’d miss out on all the Gray Family adventures, which would be very sad. 🙂 So I guess I’ll keep my family. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 (They’re gonna love hearing about/reading this post, Amanda! :))
I’m so glad God answers prayer. See – you left early for a very good reason! 🙂 We’ll get our time together another day. 🙂
That looks like a lot of fun, Amanda! Knowing my love for aircraft, this question might not surprise you. Do you know what model and year those planes are? I’ve never flown in anything smaller than a Boeing 777, so I’ve never had the pleasure of “outdoor” flying.
Wow! A great summary of a blessed, incredible day! I am happy to say that I was able to do the most aerobatic stunts of anyone, 🙂 but the best part was definitely the fellowship!! To God be the glory! I love the verse you chose for the end, Amanda – we never could have guessed the blessings He had prepared for us throughout that afternoon!
Sounds like a great adventure! Though if it had been me I would probably have been flying with my eyes closed! 🙂