Christ’s finished work on earth and Calvary are still bearing marvelous, incomprehensible fruits in the lives of believers. All we have and are we owe to the blessed Trinity and to Christ Himself, who, “though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered.” (Hebrews 5:8)

Oh the sweetness, oh the rest

Of leaning on the Father’s breast,

Of lisping “Abba,” precious name:

To give me this my Jesus came.

When nought but tears are like to flow

And to my Father I would go,

But weakness hinders, folly blights:

Christ dwells with me on these dark nights.

When I see the Word so clear

That speaks to me of One so dear

I call to mind: ’twas Christ that sent

The Holy Spirit down to men.

And when I fall at Jesus’ feet

Rejoice in hope of heaven sweet

That “God is love” comes soon to mind:

He sent His Son to save mankind.