
When once I mourned a load of sin, When conscience felt a wound within, When all my works were thrown away, When on my knees I knelt to pray, Then, blissful hour, remembered well, I learned Thy love, Immanuel! When storms of sorrow toss my soul, When waves of care...

Little Specks of Pollen

It’s spring time. The mountains are bursting out in new, vibrant color; blossoms are on the trees; flowers are making their appearance around the yard. With all the beauty of spring also comes pollen. In some areas of the country, cars will turn a greenish-hue as the...

The Gifts He Gives

Through out this Christmas season, we have seen how the Father delights to give gifts to His children – good gifts. Gifts that demonstrate how His “merciful kindness is great toward us.” (Psalm 117:2) The first of these gifts was that three of us were able to play in...