by Victoria | Jun 17, 2013 | Family News, Matthew & Amanda, Our Home to Yours
Manicures and pedicures for the bridesmaids and mothers… a wonderful time to make sisterly memories! At the church, making further preparations for the big day! The Morning of May 18, 2013
by Victoria | Mar 20, 2013 | FEW Conference, Ministry Opportunities
At the end of time, will we receive the crown of righteousness at the hand of our righteous Lord as a reward for loving His appearing? In our day and age, where is the comfort found in I Thessalonians 4: 17-18? “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up...
by Victoria | Jan 4, 2013 | Encouraging Verses, Timeless Reminders
Renaissance chemist Robert Boyle is attributed to have said the following: “The vastness, beauty, orderliness of heavenly bodies; the excellent structure of animals and plants; and other phenomena of nature justly induce an intelligent, unprejudiced observer to...
by Victoria | Nov 5, 2012 | Family News
“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” ~John Quincy Adams
by Victoria | Jun 26, 2012 | Tidbits, Timeless Reminders
No time to knock on Love’s wide door, No time to stay and talk awhile. No time to calm the anxious fear, No time to go that extra mile. No time to make a sad soul sing, No time to edge dark clouds with light. No time to act a bit concerned, No time to cheer,...