A few weeks ago we were blessed by a visit from the Hynes family โ€“ what a joy to get to know this dear family in a deeper way! After their arrival on Friday night, we spent the evening talking, laughing, andWe serve an amazing Creator!! playing some exciting games. On Saturday, after a late and scrumptious breakfast, we did a few prep things and then all loaded up and headed south โ€“ our destination: Brasstown Bald, Georgiaโ€™s The Hynes family and Neely Team :) - on top of Brasstown Bald highest mountain peak. We drove about half way up, and then enjoyed a wonderful picnic lunch. With energy restored, we began the hike. What a blessing to spend time talking, encouraging each other in the Lord, and learning more about each other while we climbed higher and higher! At last at the top, we were greeted by a gentle breeze and the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountain ranges and valleys. After a visit to the museum and manyHerman, Hannah, and Jon - deep in thought over a game of chess pictures, ๐Ÿ™‚ we descended and made our way back home.

On Sunday, the Hynes allowed us to โ€œput them on the spotโ€ in church, and they sang โ€œDid You Think to Pray?โ€ โ€“ an excellent reminder to take everything to God in prayer, knowing that He cares anSetting up for another roundd will answer in His perfect timing! One particular highlight of their visit was Sunday night when the kids played Team Bible Charades! We divided into two teams and then separated to form our plans. We each decided on a Bible story to act out, dressed up, gathered props, etc., and then both teams met together for a Sword Drill to determine which team"Dagon" :) went first. After arriving at a conclusion, the first team made final preparations and then presented aSome apostles - exact identity unknown (well, they used to be Emily and Kathryn, but...) thrilling, though silent, tale of Samson, when he set fire to the Philistines corn. The second team did an "Foxes" running through the "corn," burning it up excellent job with the story of Hannah and her prayer for a son, and then we split up again to prepare a second round. Phase two p"Eli" blessing the "boy", "Samuel" (Lauren!) :)resented the stories of Paul preaching, being stoned, and thrust out of the city, and finally we ended the The mighty Samson (and later on, Paul). Wow! A little bit of organic face paint (the famous cocoa powder and water combination :)) does wonders!! night with a hilarious  show of the Philistines returning the Ark of the Covenant to Israel after God cast down their image of Dagon. The creativity that was displayed was unbelievable, and most of the stories ended  with a burst of laughter!

Suzy added many giggles to the weekend by, one night at supper, putting her  spoon up to her eye, holding it there, and then staring at all of us through it. Well, the power in influence was quickly realized, because once one or two peoHaving fun with the spoons... :)ple followed her example, almost the whole group was doing it! Absolutely hilarious!! (Maybe a little weird, too??? :))Daddy and Suzy - inseparable buddies!

One particular blessing we received from the Hynes was their spirit of initiative. Whether is wBecky and Kathryn - they have their eyes on you!! :)as in clearing the table, washing dishes, slicing fruit, carrying things from place to place, or Mr. Hynes decision to help us out tremendously by weed-eating our creek banks, there was always many willing hands extended to help share the load, which did indeed make light work!

Thank you, Hynes family! May God bless you as you continue to live for Him and shine His light to the world!