For a long time I have been widing my bike with twaining wheels. I lerned things like how to steer and how to stop and use the brakes. Then Victoria
and Susanna (Sunny) ‘tarted teeching me how to wide with no twaining wheels. When I first ‘tarted learning it was just a wittle bit scary, but now it is all fun! The best place to wide is on the
floor in the garage. It is nice and ‘mooth in there. I’m glad that the girls taught me how to wide with no twaining wheels.
Congratulations, Bethany, on a job well done! It looks like you are doing a great job riding your bike! Nathan was excited when he saw your picture. I asked him who it was, and he said,”Bewl.” He also said,” Bewl’s ridin’ a motorcycle!” Keep up the good work!
Congratulations, Belle, on your accomplishment! It looks like you have had fun riding your bike. From the picture I saw of you, it looks like you can ride really fast. Keep up the good work!
Great job Bethany! Your perseverance was a joy to see! Can’t wait to take some family bike rides all together!
Congratulations. Looks like fun. Stay away from brothers while riding your bike. Right Darlene?
Good job Belle!!! Next time you come down here we’ll have to ride together!!!