Two weeks ago, we had the immense plea
sure of visiting with the Dalrymple family for 27 –too-short hours! It was a little spur of the moment, but our time together was full of fellowship, group games, music, and just plain fun! One
of the greatest blessings of the weekend was getting to listen as they practiced and performed music
with voice, violin, viola, cello, flute, and piano. Listening to them was a little taste of what heaven must be like: continual praise and glory to our Heavenly Father!! Thank you, Dalrymples, for your
ngness to be used to encourage so many around you with your music! Can’t wait till next time!!!!!
WE so treasure our friendship with you all! We hope you have a wonderful day delighting in each other and in the most wonderful gift that we have been given~ Jesus Christ. We love you all~ Love the Wilkes Team
I know what those all too short visits with fellow members of the Body of Christ can be like – very full, very uplifting, and in full anticipation towards the next. Sounds like such was the case. You know, I’m looking forward to heaven when we will have all of eternity to worship our Savior Jesus Christ beside one another – come quickly Lord Jesus!
Wow! I remember meeting two of the Dalrymple daughters in EXCEL! Their violin playing was inspiring. I’m sure it was a privilege to get to spend such a fun day together with them.