Ahhh, the satisfaction of completing fourteen years of schooling!!! This past Saturday was a day I’ve been waiting for and dreaming about for many years. And when it had finally come after all that waiting, I couldn’t believe it was here!! Such a hard feeling to describe…

Saturday morning was very busy. We cleaned, prepared, practiced, organized… and enjoyed all of it!! Before people started arriving, Dad and Mom presented me with my diploma… WOW! I know that it is just a credential and doesn’t mean that I’m done learning, but it is a huge milestone and testimony of the Lord’s grace and faithfulness!!

Anyway, friends and family started arriving at 1:45, and the party began! It was a wonderful day of fellowship and visiting with many people we hadn’t seen in a very long time. One of the biggest highlights was having both grandmothers there, which was a big surprise! What a  joy!!

I praise the Lord for all He has done for me… for parents who have willingly taught me all these years, for the wonderful “support group” I have in my family, and for the blessing of completing high school. God is so good! Great is His faithfulness! 

Kathryn decorated the cake100_3937 the diploma Practicing for the program A great punch server! The food was delicious!Cousins and friends ~ the Merck family Visiting with friends~Bethany, Hannah, and Nathan Another gathering of young people100_4066 100_4027 Grandmama Neely and Nana Conn Uncle Fudge and Grandmama came up from South GA ~ it was great to see them! Nana Conn came down all the way from NY for my graduation! How special!! What a huge highlight!!!I think we wore him out!! :-)Cousins ~ Graduates of 2010~ Austin and Jessica