Have you ever considered that fellowship with other believers is sort-of like an energy swap? The power and joy of the Lord working in the lives of His children generates this unique, beautiful strength, and so when families get together for small periods of refreshment, and each individual has a focus first on Christ, and then on how he can bless those around him, the possibilities for the ways this energy can be exchanged are immeasurable!

What a privilege to have the Wilkes Team here for a few days!! The entire visit was truly one ginormous energy exchange (cross between ‘gigantic’ and ‘enormous’ :)), as each individual shared freely from the abundant stores God has given. Gifts of testimony, praise, song, creativity, enthusiasm, and service were unrelentingly passed from person to person, until, in the end, we all came away completely filled up and ready to press on in life’s race.

A glorious meeting!!BuddiesExploring

Sarah's camera was quite the hit :) Sweet sisters   Fun with the manger scene

Motherly conversation During a relaxing afternoon, we enjoyed reading together.Team leaders      

One particular highlight for everyone on this visit was the night when our wonderful parents took the opportunity for a “double date,” leaving the other 19 of us at home alone. 🙂 We declared it to be National Opposite Night, where we ate piping-hot soup from a cup with our least-trained hand, drank from bowls, and ate dessert on the kitchen floor. Ahhhh…. memories! 🙂

We listened as Josh explained the "rules" for dinner...... Amanda ladled soup into CUPS!

  Dessert on the floorStory time with Mr. Josh

Another important feature of our days together was all the time we spent reading the Word, discussing what we’d read and many other aspects of the Christian life, singing the praise of our God, and coming before Him in prayer. These four elements helped to keep His goodness continually before our eyes, and kept us acknowledging Him in all of our ways. (Proverbs 3)

"Here is Love" - a beautiful duetVictoria and JessiSarah and Susanna

"The Old Rugged Cross""Nearer, Still Nearer"A cello duet upon Mr. Wilkes' request :)

Part of the string ensembleSisters in the Lord

Through much perseverance and creativity...Daniel FINALLY won a friend!

Midnight madness :):)Close friends           

Thank you, once again, Wilkes Team, for being so willing to let the Lord use you to influence, encourage, and refresh us. May we all go forward with the mindset of being fountains of energy, bubbling with the joy of Jesus – so that others will be drawn to Him, and He gets the glory!

While waiting to get this picture, the whole group erupted into beautiful melody. Singing in the stairwell is now a favorite!Height order...

Age order!   It all started with you - Thank you!! We love you all!

We look forward to many more such times together!!