The Wilkes and Neelys arrived at the Team HQ for the weekend - - the Staddon's house!Fellowship over dinner

Prep timeCozy time

Prayer is our greatest workNothing is too big or too small to take to the Lord in prayer

Famous FEW Conference Fresheners :)Our sound team!

Registration team minus one!Resources

PreciousThe Friday evening meal

IMG_3301Getting to know each otherTali-Joy and Hannah

Michael and some little buddiesThe orchestra

IMG_3376Practicing brotherly loveIMG_3404

Jonathan and KenanDiscipleship

MothersPatience and JenniferEsther and Victoria

The dads had a prayer time before lunch on Saturday while the mothers made lunch and the kiddos had game timeWe all need each other!

Partner with little ones...Make blessing others your focusA mother's gentle love

IMG_3516Discipleship game time!IMG_3543

Use the gifts God has given your family to encourage other families!The whistle section of the orchestra :)Dad

Donald's chalk art, emphasizing the power of teaching by analogy, was beautiful!Strong father-daughter relationships must be cultivated

Sarah, Bethany, Titus, and KathrynGod created your siblings to be your best friendsKindness

Mom and Mrs. RothLet the little ones helpMr. and Mrs. Staddon

The three couples shared insight on faithfully conducting family worship Sisters in the Lord

IMG_3625IMG_3639Back at the Staddon's house after the conference, more adventure took place...Michael the brave!

Meal time at the Staddons was always a delicious experienceDanielle and Esther

A porch packed with encouragement!Sweet companionship makes the steep spots in life pass quickly


Post-conference sound projectsMaking melodySistersMr. Joe Harpely with his makers :) - creativity

The FEW Conference Team!!!!! Praise the Lord!

We praise the Lord for repeated evidence of His blessing and power during the entire conference! To Him be the praise and glory!