Last Friday we had a major project day! Mom, Victoria, and Susanna worked on some of our fall sewing, Amanda and Titus tackled our ever-growing pile in the magazine basket, Jessi, Lauren, Bethany, Hannah, and I processed 5 1/2 bushels of apples, and Herman bounced between us and some jobs outside Dad had given him to do. God’s blessing on it all was evident… we had the best time of laughter, fun, and incredible production!


Well, before I tell you what it is, let me say that we have a steadily growing tradition in our house.

It is a ton of fun.

We all really like it.

It might sound a little unusual…

Here goes: After we make applesauce, we sleep outside!  Normally it is on the front porch, in freezing — or below — weather (I’m not kidding!), but we did our applesauce early so our sleep outside was delightfully cool, not frigid. Smile After a day in the steamy kitchen working with hot apples in boiling water over blue-hot flame… I think you get the picture. We all feel ever-so-slightly warm!!!! So, a night in the wonderful fall outdoors is just perfect to cool us down and, of course, make great memories! This year, though, instead of using the front porch, we tried out our 12-man tent that we’ve had for three years and never used. Smile What a blast!

Washing the applesIMG_6324IMG_6331

Enjoying lunch on the front porch

Seamstresses extraordiare!Cooked and ready for pureeing with our Victorio Strainer

Putting the applesauce in jarsYum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Buddies :)

Making applesauce can be tiring... she was getting a much-deserved little breakFriends :)Doing the processing in the garage helped keep the temperature in the kitchen down :)

Sewing!Apples make for a very sticky floor, thus necessitating dirtamascrubbiewithwaterandsoaping!!!!!!The girls did a couple different projects together, one of which was this smiley face travel pillow :)

We were able to get 88 qts!Delicious!

Happy helpers!IMG_6429

Directing the setup of the tent ;)What's a camp without a clown?Too much fun ;)

Looking forward to a memorable night!Dad and Mom used an air mattress, but before they did, I had a little war with it.........I won!

Not ready yetJust right!Ahhh...      Uhhmmm... can I sleep here??

So, the moral of the story is this:

Enjoy the projects you do together! Make them fun and memorable!

Laugh over little mistakes and bumps in the production – – everything will be fine.

Keep a positive outlook even when you’re tired. Help each other finish strong!


And… after you make applesauce, sleep outside!