
Crossroads — seasons of life when we desperately need direction for decisions, particularly relating to the next phase of our lives.

Red-lights — a time when we wait on the Lord (possibly for extended periods of time) to make His way clear before our eyes as we seek His will.

Waiting…. waiting to start school… waiting to graduate…. waiting for answers to prayer…. waiting for direction in life… waiting for a job… waiting for a spouse…. waiting for children…. waiting for grandchildren…. waiting for Christ’s return… waiting for………. whatever it might be. Everyone is in some sort of waiting period, and often we’re waiting for more than one thing at a time. When God says, “Wait,” what is your response?

Waiting on the Lord with joyful expectation of what He has in store for us is not always an easy task, but our gracious Heavenly Father promises blessings to those who will. When these seasons of perseverance arise, cling to the promises of God. Hope in His Word. Depend on His grace. His plan is infallible. His timing is perfect. His love is sure. His faithfulness is unending. His mercy is new.

“A sober mind is that which accommodates itself to every estate of life and every event of providence, so that whatever changes happen, it preserves the possession and enjoyment of itself… What pleases Him ought to please us. He knows what is fit to be done and what is fit far better than we do. Let this check all disquieting, discontented thoughts. Should it be according to thy mind? Shalt thou who art but of yesterday control Him, quarrel with Him, or prescribe Him, Whose counsels were of old from everlasting? It is folly to direct the divine disposals, but wisdom to acquiesce in them… Fret not at the place God’s providence has put you in. Make yourselves easy in it and make the best of it, as those who are satisfied that all is well that God doth… Possess your minds with a reverence for the divine providence – its sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness.” (Matthew Henry, from “Sober Mindedness Recommended to the Young,” in The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry, Vol. 1)

“Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14

“My soul, wait Thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.” Psalm 62:5

So what crossroads are you waiting at, waiting for the light to turn green — waiting for the Lord’s will to be revealed? Or maybe instead of a red-light there is a stop sign, and the Lord may be preparing to reveal to you a route that you hadn’t seen before. Or maybe there’s fog on the road, and you don’t know where to go, or if there is even a crossroad. Whatever the test, remember that “the Lord our God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)
