A few weeks back Mrs. Tammy, a sweet friend of ours, came over for two days and instructed Amanda, Jessi, and I in beginning haircutting! For a while we have been wanting to learn this skill to bless our family and our future families. It was fun, educational, and character-building – it was great character training for Mrs. Tammy, anyway, who learned more about patience in those two mornings than she probably has in a while!
Thank you, Mrs. Tammy, for so willingly giving of your time and expertise! You truly model the verse from Matthew 10: “… freely ye have received, freely give…”
101: Practice with the mannequins
By the way, your victims must have names, so let me introduce you to Ventura, Charalina, and Jemima.
102: Practice with the mannequins and the live mannequins
(Special thanks to our dear brothers for being such great guinea-pigs! )
What a wonderful & useful skill to be learning now!
I had to learn by “doing”….. hee hee…. my poor husband had to have quite a few “interesting” haircuts before I finally can say I do as good as the Barber!
Haircutting is a great skill to learn. I have given quite a few ‘strange’ haircuts to members of my family. It has taken many years to get it right but even now I still make a mistake or two. Thankfully it only takes a few weeks for my mistakes to correct themselves.
Love the expression on your little brother’s face.
I’m not so good at this- lessons are definitely on my ‘to do list’ in life. So glad you can learn this skill now girls.
Cracking up at Titus’ expression. He doesn’t look like he is too thrilled. That is a useful skill. Wish I could do it but the kids laugh at me even when I cut the dog’s hair.
It doesn’t matter what we do together…we always have a great time! You girls were great students!!!
Wow, how cool! I didn’t even know there WAS such a thing as hair-cutting mannequins! Looks like y’all learned a lot in a short time! I’ve had the most wonderful bonding talks with my brothers while cutting their hair, and I hope you get to enjoy that with your siblings, too!