Much anticipation had been built. It was time for the conference to begin. Then all of a sudden, it was over. It all happened so fast! But we came away having seen the work of the Lord and encouraged to press on. We were challenged by the Word, motivated by testimonies of young people striving to serve Christ, and encouraged and uplifted by the fellowship and prayer times with other families.

The North Carolina FEW was the first of four planned conferences this year. We look forward with great excitement to the next FEW and the continued work of the Lord! May Jesus Christ be praised!

Game time!!

PreciousDiscipleshipStory time

Getting ready for supper!Serving the food

Chicken nachos.... MmmmmCookies --- the signature FEW snackRegistration team

He has made everything beautiful in His time

OrchestraIMG_9839The children's sessionGetting feedback :)


Precious -- siblings are such a blessing from the LordGame time :)

The young ladies shared how their fathers are preparing them for the future.Sharing practical tips on hospitalityChalk talk

IMG_0085Humor :) ( It was indeed really good! :))JoyFriends

Oh the joys of little ones! These are the voices of tomorrow.A girls' table filled with smilesThe ultimate challenge to see how many people we could get around one table -- the norm was 8 -- the max was about 16. :)


Rejoicing in the goodness of God

The sleep of a laboring man (or lady :) is sweetIMG_0151IMG_0146IMG_0132


IMG_0175Getting ready for the group shot....Everyone lining up....

"Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory!"

If you are interested in receiving information on upcoming FEW Conferences, leave us a comment and we’ll add you to the contact list.