… and learned just how much we REALLY appreciate our siblings! Smile


You know, there are times in life when you imagine something beautiful… something perfect… something romantic…… to commemorate, bless, or honor someone or something or some occasion… you just want to make things extra special. You imagine a peaceful atmosphere, complete with candles, a well-thought-out note of love, maybe even roses or daisies…

And (sorry to tell you this), there are times in life when your dreams of fun, fluff, and fantasy just don’t happen!

That’s when you get a prime opportunity to trust in our Sovereign, loving God and blossom right where He places you!

We let you all know about Sibling Appreciation Day, all the while mentally preparing for our own celebration (a lovely picnic by the river). Then……………

There was mulch to spread!

(A HUGE, double-load.)

We faced a choice. Not exactly whether or not to spread the mulch, but whether or not to spread it with joyful hearts, accomplishing the duty set before us with smiles and laughter.

By God’s grace, the Team collectively chose to do right.

Though the evening’s events were completely different than we had anticipated, we were all reminded again just how much we really appreciate our siblings (just you imagine trying to spread that trailer heaped with mulch all by your lonesome! Smile) and we really did enjoy the project. It was work… hard work… hot work… exhausting work… but it was rewarding work and quite fun as we did it together.

The tire went flat on the trailer, so instead of being able to drive the truck around to all the different locations, we had to dump it and then cart it by the bucket-full. :-) BTW, notice the size of this trailer next to 6ft. 3in. Dad -- and it was heaping! :-DTracter driver -- we put some of the buckets in the wagon to deliver to faraway places :)

IMG_8598Go Team!

Happy HelperThe duo - Simultaneous Shoveling

Photo of the evening!

Just darling!Labor-dor superviser :-D

Atop Mulch Mtn.Way to go!Taking a much-deserved break (but even that was work... she was keeping the tractor from rolling away :-D)

Team workBuild those muscles!Preparing to fill...

... one shovel-full at a time...IMG_8623What we neglected to tell you was that each shovel-full was done one HANDFUL at a time! Diligence!

Hauling away to dumpSpreading the mulch around the trees by hand for a smoother finish

"I'm helping Daddy...""...change the flat tire!"IMG_8643

Returning for another loadIMG_8648Seest thou a man diligent in his business?

Smiling the job to completionOne of the rewards of diligent work :-D

So, be encouraged next time your plans for something wonderful are altered… or maybe even blown away completely. There are treasures in the darkness… hidden riches in secret places… a delicious-grilled-salmon-rice-sauteed-asparagas-sweet-peaches-dinner-made-by-Jessi-at-9:30 pm (with chocolate-mint brownies for dessert!) awaiting you when your work is finished –  if you will simply trust the hand of God as He takes you through the process of life.

SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile (aka 12 happy Neelys)