Traveling…. we seem to be doing a lot of it this summer, and what a joy it is! A few weeks ago we were headed to South GA with great anticipation of the trip’s plans. Visiting friends and family, working together, singing together….. it was going to be a full, but wonderful weekend.
We stopped to see the Whiddon family on the way, and enjoyed a delightful evening together, which included a delicious supper.
We arrived at our final destination at 1:30am. After a few hours of sleep, we started into a big, red project….. tomatoes!!
An extended family member gave us ten boxes of tomatoes, which we were very excited about, and made them into spaghetti sauce and salsa. Mmmm…. But what a joy it was to work together on the project! I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Many hands make light work.” Can you imagine doing 250 pounds of tomatoes by yourself?? That would take days… but when everyone pitches in, the project can be done in only a few hours. Another quote I heard recently is, “The job can be as fun as you make it.” Decide to embrace the task at hand with gratitude and cheerfulness, and you’ll be amazed at how much easier it becomes!
By the way, 250lbs of tomatoes + 7 hours of teamwork = 84 quarts of tomato sauce and 44 pints of salsa.
Go Neely Team!!! It’s amazing what many hands can accomplish, with diligence and perseverance! Sounds like you all made the most of your family travels – praise the Lord for all those wonderful tomatoes!!! Keep up the great work, and make plans to come visit us soon!
What a blessing of your extended family member (you never mentioned who it was?) to bless your family in that way. Food is always a blessing, especially when there are a lot of mouths to feed!
Delightful photos! Too many great ones to pick a favorite.
If you had taken me with you on the tomato trip I could have saved you a bit of labor… I could have eaten at least a pound or two of tomatoes myself and saved you the trouble. 🙂
Love you bunches!