“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15
Our final journey (at least for those few weeks ) took us to visit the Staddon Brigade and help host the WV FEW Conference. The Lord blessed the effort that went into it all, and though in numbers the conference was smaller than some, in unity and sweet fellowship it was truly great. What a precious time to be together with other like-minded believers who desire to reject the ways of the world and seek Christ in every aspect of life, and to hear the Word proclaimed in clear and practical teaching!
For more information about the upcoming FEW Conferences in Virginia and New Hampshire, drop us comment!
What wonderful memories those pictures bring! God truly met us that weekend. Praise the Lord for His abundant mercy and grace.
I couldn’t agree more Jenny!! That truly was a great weekend full of joy and peace from the Lord!! Thank you Neely’s, Wilkes, and Staddons for such a great and encouraging weekend!! You all are and continue to be such a blessing to me!! Hope all is well!!
Your Sister in Christ, Sarah <3