The Christian Marriage

By C.H. Spurgeon

“Sometimes we have seen a model marriage, founded on pure love, and cemented in mutual esteem. Therein, the husband acts as a tender head; and the wife, as a true spouse, realizes the model marriage-relation, and sets forth what our oneness with the Lord ought to be… Their object in life is common. There are points where their affections [are] so intimately united that none could tell which is first and which is second. To watch their children growing up in health and strength, to see them holding posts of usefulness and honor, is their mutual concern; in this and other matters, they are fully one. Their wishes blend, their hearts are indivisible. By degrees, they come to think very much the same thoughts. Intimate association creates conformity; I have known this to become so complete that, at the same moment, the same utterance has leaped to both their lips.

Happy woman and happy man! If Heaven be found on earth, they have it! At last, the two are so blended, so engrafted on one stem, that their old age presents a lovely attachment, a common sympathy, by which its infirmities are greatly alleviated, and its burdens are transformed into fresh bonds of love. So happy a union of will, sentiment, thought, and heart exists between them, that the two streams of their life have washed away the dividing bank, and run on as one broad current of united existence till their common joy falls into the ocean of eternal felicity.”

On July 21, Uncle Willis and Aunt Myrtle Smith (Aunt Myrtle is Dad’s aunt – sister to his dad) celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary!

Thank you, Uncle Willis and Aunt Myrtle, for your Christ-like example of faithfulness, loyalty, and love. What a legacy we have been handed!

We couldn't find a photo of just the two of them, but here they are with us and a lot of our other extended family. (far left)(Taken 2010)We love you!

P.S. We can’t wait to celebrate #70 with you!!

P.S.S. For those of you who have our Patriotic CD Lest We Forget, and have listened to track 10, you might find it interesting that it was Uncle Willis and Aunt Myrtle who sent the telegram in the spring of 1945 to Douglas, stationed at a Texas Army base, regarding the death of the two other brothers in WWII.