
“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16

Oh how grateful we are for the Schmechel family and their decision to redeem the time! Driven by a passionate love for Christ and a desire to uplift and edify His Church, they spent weeks and months, which could have all-too-easily been spent for themselves, in planning for and preparing for the first ever NH FEW Conference. So much thought, so much prayer, so much energy was poured out without any anticipation of earthly reward. But as so often happens, the Lord multiplied their efforts and many, many lives were blessed and changed because of their self-sacrifice and service.

We arrived at the Schmechel’s home, Bittersweet Farm, on Thursday evening and were greeted by a peaceful atmosphere and a delicious lasagna dinner! Not only had they done everything to prepare for the conference itself, but they graciously offered to host the entire FEW Team in their lovely farm house! What a time of joy as we got settled and fellowshipped late into the night!

Schmechel ladies... busy yet again!Final registration prep

Hannah -- on loan to the Schmechels for the weekend! We soooo enjoyed getting to know her!!Teamwork!

The conference began Friday afternoon. Oh for words to describe the blessings that unfolded!

The music from the orchestra -- stunning!IMG_1340Children's session: a visit from "Dr. Walter Wilson" :)

Mom sharing heart-to-heart with the ladiesSession: Practical Hospitality

Wilkes Team #2!Joy in sharing the Word

Session: Turning a Crisis into a ClassroomSession: Preparing Young Men -- and fulfilling the Great CommissionSession: Preparing Daughters

During the weekend, we blessed and encouraged by evidence of family harmony as seen through the interaction of siblings.

Give instructionSpend time togetherShow support and give encouragment

Love unconditionallyShare your heart

Lead in paths of righteousnessEnjoy the journey of life Have fun together!

As always, the fellowship shared was a foretaste of Heaven!







NH FEW -- can't wait till next year!

Thank you, Schmechel family, for choosing to redeem the precious time that the Lord has given you by spending it for others. Many lives will never be the same for it.

To God be the glory!