Isn’t fall such a glorious, spectacular season??! The stunning colors, cool temperatures, and overall cozy atmosphere make one eager for some memorable times as a family.

From the (embarrassing) lack of posts going up, you may be wondering where we have been for most of this delightful season. Let’s see…

One highlight was certainly hosting our annual Fall Family Fun Night. Years ago, rather than participating in Halloween, Dad and Mom began a special tradition: a fun, action-packed activity night for us as a creative, wholesome, and family-building alternative. At first, it was just us… then a family or two from church too… then it grew to a few more… and then the Lord grew it into a much greater ministry opportunity than we ever imagined – this year there were nearly 85 attendees! What a joy to see so many from our community take the time to be together!

Mom and Jessi were mainly responsible for the decoration of the food area this year. Beautiful job!Fun on the grass sled!

SweetFind the candy in the sugar and scoop it into the cup with no hands!

IMG_2392IMG_2386Dignity and class... and a little fun :-D

Joy in being as a family

Demonstrating: get your whole family across the "shark-infested waters," but you must stay on the cardboard "boats" at all times!

IMG_2420Eat a donut off of the string with no hands!


Tie a baloon around your ankle... pop the other team's before they get yours!Final contestants :-D

Another highlight was camping with some long-time friends from the Atlanta area. The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather and a weekend of sweet, encouraging fellowship.




O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 117