The wedding is over. The bins are put away. The bride and groom are on their honeymoon. All the extended family have returned home. And a holiday around the corner….
What is something we can do, to make some extra special memories as a family?
Mom and Dad had an idea! And an exciting one it was!!
So, the plan?? A trip to Wake Forest, NC for the Memorial Day Picnic at the Brown family farm! This annual event was attended by hundreds of people, the Gospel was clearly presented, and our veterans were honored. What a blessing it was to be there, and to enjoy the sweet fellowship with dear friends, and to meet new friends!
The idea was a success. As we drove home that evening, our hearts were encouraged, and gratitude filled us as we were reminded of the great sacrifice that thousands have given for our freedom. May we be faithful to the Lord, and stand for truth, for sake of generations to come and for the glory of our Lord!
What a special time! I love the pictures!