Milestones serve as excellent “stopping points” along the path of life at which to recall and communicate the providence and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Yesterday, shortly after we left home to enjoy an evening together at Wayah Bald, we encountered one of these important milestones: our van turned over 250, 000 miles! All those miles traveled together, and in safety, over the past 10 years, remind us of the beautiful truth that “Faithful is He that calleth you, Who also will do it.” The Lord has directed each trip, each opportunity for ministry, and He has faithfully provided and sustained. To Him be praise!
Following that excitement and celebration (which we were privileged to enjoy along with Wes Barnes, loaned to us from his family for a few days), we spent the evening marveling the breathtaking scenery of Wayah Bald. As we stood looking out over the vast expanse visible from such a height, one person accurately summed up our feelings with the quiet reminder that “We serve a great Artist.”
Wonderful praise!
Wonderful God!
Loved the pictures of our special friends!
Rejoicing with you.