
A few weeks ago we were able to make a spur-of-the-moment trip to South Carolina to surprise Grandmama with a birthday party! The Lord has blessed her with 75 years on this earth, and what a joy it was to come together as family to rejoice in this gift. Special thanks to the Fleishers for their generous hospitality — specifically to Aunt Miriam (“Auntie Fun-Fun”) for all of the scheming and planning and preparing that went into it. The Lord gave us a truly joyous, delight-filled evening together. 

The first expression when we walked in the door! The plan was successful -- she was utterly shocked!Fellowship

SweetReally sweet :)

Investing into the little onesIMG_1946

IMG_1954Even Rugby joined in the excitement

Joy...There is no comparison... :)

The older I get, the more my heart is filled with gratitude for Grandmama. When I think of her, several things come to mind: the legacy she and Grandpapa have left and continue to leave; the way in which she supports us in the way our dear parents have led; the heart-to-heart talks — when she shares memories from her past, stories about Grandpapa, and encouragements to us to keep running the race of life with Christ as our focus; the contagious joy that characterizes her entire self more and more with each passing year; her love for Uncle Fudge and delight in his antics and humor; and last, but not least, her love for the Lord and faithfulness to His Word.



Grandmama, we love you dearly. We treasure your friendship and influence in our lives and look forward to many, many more years with you!

Happy 75th birthday!