Sweet fellowship with dear family and friends is always a tremendous highlight of our Christmas season. What could be more delightful than to be circled around a game on the living room floor, or relaxing at the kitchen counter sharing testimonies of the Lord’s recent workings, or racing through the dark, frosty yard at lightning speed, or gathered around the table enjoying a steaming bowl of soup and homemade rolls?
This Christmas season the Lord blessed our home with three specific times filled with such fellowship.
The first was a visit from our cousin Austin and friend, Anna, for a short but incredibly sweet project time together.
We love you both and look forward to another visit – – and hopefully a little longer one – – very soon.
The second took place the day after Christmas, when Mom’s sister and her family came to spend a few days with us. What a joyous time the Lord gave us together! To our great disappointment, at the end of the visit, we discovered that only one snapshot photo had been taken, but since Jessica and Kathryn were able to do a family photo session for them, we will include a few of those pictures. What a photogenic family!
We love you, Merck family, and are so grateful to the Lord for our relationship with you! We look forward to our next time together!
Finally, less than two hours after the Merck van pulled out of our driveway, and following an excited hustle of bed changing, floor cleaning, and counter clearing, the Barnes family arrived! Their annual visit on or around New Year’s is something we always anticipate.
Jigsaw puzzles, Dutch Blitz, shooting, walking to the swinging bridge, but most importantly, fellowship about things of the Lord, filled the moments and caused the time to fly. Hearing the detailed testimony of how God has worked in bringing two special young people together filled our hearts with encouragement, reminding us all that the ways of the Lord are truly wondrous.
On Sunday, the Lord gave us the opportunity to minister in music in two different local churches. Having them present as “stage crew” and, of course, as smiling supporters, blessed us immensely.
Thank you, Barnes family! May the Lord continue to strengthen and guide you as we begin another year. May Christ be your focus, your aim, your desire.
Your family had a a lot fun having all those people coming and going.
It looks like you all had a lot of fun!
Awww, what nice pictures!!!
So glad to see that you all had a great time and great fellowship with others! God Bless!
Beautiful pictures of the Merck family. Good job, Jessica and Kathryn.
Awww. What nice pictures. It looks like y’all had a fun time.
Love Ashley