Hello everyone! After such a long lapse of silence, you may be wondering where we have been. Life in the recent past has been abundantly full (surprise, surprise!), for which we are immensely grateful to the Lord. So many things have happened, many of which have held clear demonstrations of His unfailing mercy and goodness in our behalf.  Isn’t it a glorious thing to be in the service of the King of Kings, knowing that He Who has called us will give us the strength, wisdom, resources, and direction necessary for each situation?!

We hope to give a series of updates, with which to record a few of the Lord’s workings in our lives from this spring. So, here it goes…!

Update #1: “Grizzly”

After several months of praying and searching for a new van, the Lord brought the right one along in His perfect timing. Though it is actually a year older than our previous van, it has 220,000 fewer miles on it! “Grizzly” is now beloved of the Team and has already been the place of many happy hours spent traveling together. Praise the Lord for His provision. 
