German Shepherds are a very versatile breed, with potential for many different tasks and pleasures. Originally bred as a livestock dog, Shepherds are known for their protective instincts with a natural bent toward herding, although today they are not exclusively viewed as livestock animals. Because of their strength, loyalty, intelligence, and positive responses to training, the German Shepherd has become well known for many other spheres, including, though not limited to, law enforcement canine work, and the loved roles as private companion and family pet.
Our puppies are the offspring of pure-bred German lines: protective, wonderful with children, and very loyal. With an energy for anything, these dogs love to play fetch and jump obstacles, and will protect the ones they love with an inspiring steadfastness.
We have five puppies currently available, although this is subject to change as more people commit to purchasing. We are allowing new owners to choose their puppy in the order that they confirm “yes.”
These puppies will have long hair and straight backs, and will probably range between 75-110 lbs. in weight when fully grown. The puppies will be sold for $850 each. This includes de-worming, a 5-way puppy shot, and a professional veterinary check-up before being re-homed.
Contact us for more information and to reserve your puppy today!
Awwww… they are absolutely precious! So adorable!! 🙂
I am so impressed with the quality care Valiance (Mamma) has been trained to bestow upon her puppies. The puppies are adorable: but they are also well on their way to being crate trained and their mannerisms show great intelligence. Perfect family dog. Well done, Neely Team!