The glory of God is like the ocean, into which all activities of our life flow as rivers. If an action has its source in God’s will for your life, then you may be sure that that action will flow into the ocean of God’s glory and be used for the benefit of His kingdom.
Sometimes we find ourselves “stuck” in the humdrum of life, doing the daily necessities but not feeling particularly useful. On days like these it can be especially meaningful to trace the current of purpose through the tasks. I find it especially helpful and encouraging to see how one small task – like preparing a meal – can be taken down the river bed into the ocean of meaningful Kingdom work.
We all must eat if we are to be able and fit to labor in the spheres to which we are called, and it is a tremendous gift to be able to feed a band of growing children who will one day be the leaders of the next generation. Or perhaps you are feeding people who are the leaders of the current generation – equally fulfilling when done in Jesus’ Name.
When we operate within the will of God for our lives, all that we do can be used for His glory. This is such a kind provision from our Lord. Trace the rivers in your life, and “whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31
Love the river illustration! Thanks for the encouraging post :).