by Kathryn | Mar 19, 2012 | Product Reviews, Timeless Reminders
The doctrine of the sovereignty of God… “Can a doctrine be ‘horrible’ and ‘dangerous’ that gives God His true place, that maintains His rights, that magnifies His grace, that ascribes all glory to Him and removes every ground of boasting from the creature? Can a...
by Kathryn | Apr 18, 2011 | Family News, Product Reviews, Projects
The biggest event of our week so far has been an addition to the family. Or, perhaps I should say 60,000+ additions to the family! For a long time we have been interested in bee keeping, and because of the generosity of Mr. Brandon, our front yard and the surrounding...
by The Neely Team | Jan 15, 2011 | Grins & Giggles, Product Reviews, Videos
Titus was given “Wahoo” for Christmas, and he quickly became one of the favorite...
by The Neely Team | Sep 16, 2010 | Product Reviews, Trips & Travels
Imagine the tantalizing, inviting aroma of down-home country cooking… … the sweet, buttery taste of warm cinnamon rolls… … and the cool, creamy refreshment of homemade strawberry shortcake! Then put the delicious food together with a clean, inviting atmosphere,...
by Kathryn | Sep 8, 2010 | Product Reviews, Tidbits
Back in January, I was riding home in our cousin’s car from taking a tour with them of Accurate Innovations, the company my dad works for. Uncle Dan, Aunt Lisa, and our cousins David, Brian, Rachel, and Samantha, had come down for the first time in eight years – and...
by Amanda | Jun 8, 2010 | Grins & Giggles, Product Reviews, Videos
A few months ago, Michael McCourry, a well-satisfied customer of Accurate Innovations, loaned us one of his specially developed “elephant” rifles to shoot. We enjoyed that immensly, and shot a video entitled “The Big Gun” which we then posted...