by The Neely Team | Aug 13, 2015 | Family News, Matthew & Amanda, Ministry Opportunities, Product Reviews, Trips & Travels
Yet another journey in June was to Richmond for the HEAV (Home Educator’s Association of Virginia) Convention. With the days packed to bursting with busyness, fellowship, opportunities to serve and minister to many precious people, and much more, we all came away...
by Kathryn | Jul 15, 2015 | Family News, Ministry Opportunities, Music Notes, Trips & Travels
Just as all of our travels were commencing for the month of June, we were blessed to attend the graduation celebration for some dear friends and music students, Kris Jr. & Sheri. Praise the LORD for these two vibrant young people, who consistently demonstrate what...
by The Neely Team | Jul 14, 2015 | Family News, FEW Conference, Ministry Opportunities, Music Notes, Trips & Travels
One of the joyous trips we were blessed to take in the month of June was to the beautiful state of West Virginia… and what a thrill it was to participate in the 2015 WV FEW Conference while we were there! The LORD is so faithful, sending encouragement and...
by The Neely Team | Jul 3, 2015 | Family News, Memory Making, Product Reviews, Recipes, Tidbits
One of our faithful readers asked for this recipe… so here it is! This makes a wonderful treat to serve to guests; it looks beautiful but is incredibly simple to put together. Old Glory Dessert 2 cups sugar cookie dough [or 1 (18 ounce) tube refrigerated dough] 11...
by Kathryn | Jul 2, 2015 | Encouraging Verses, Family News, Timeless Reminders, Trips & Travels
Today marks the 183rd day of this year – which, for those of you whose brains automatically calculate everything you see and hear, you will recognize as the halfway point in the average year. (And for those of you who, like me, don’t calculate so readily, put your...
by The Neely Team | Jun 23, 2015 | Family News, Memory Making, Music Notes, Our Home to Yours, Tidbits
After far too long without time for one-on-one fellowship, we were delighted to have the Wikman family at our house for Memorial Day! What a blessing to spend time together again — the sweetness of the bond we share in Christ with other believers is truly a...