Courageous Hospitality

For several years now we have had the privilege of knowing the Walker family. What a delight it is to watch them grow in numbers and in the Lord, being conformed into His likeness as they seek to pattern their family after the truth of Scripture! A few weeks ago, they...

Haircutting 101/102

A few weeks back Mrs. Tammy, a sweet friend of ours, came over for two days and instructed Amanda, Jessi, and I in beginning haircutting! For a while we have been wanting to learn this skill to bless our family and our future families. It was fun, educational, and...

When Crossroads Have Red-Lights

Crossroads — seasons of life when we desperately need direction for decisions, particularly relating to the next phase of our lives. Red-lights — a time when we wait on the Lord (possibly for extended periods of time) to make His way clear before our eyes...

New Years 2012

You may be seeing this title and thinking, New Years?? That was already four weeks ago!! (Yes, I know – hard to believe, isn’t it?!!) But though there have been many other exciting things going on since then, we still couldn’t bypass that wonderful event that kicked...