The Noble Ones Are My Delight

Walking through this world of sin, Despair creeps to my heart; Yet Christ speaks to me within, And peace my LORD imparts. “I am with You,” he has said, “The Comfortor is yours. Walk the path which I have laid, And trust my perfect Word.” Other Christians walk near by,...


“Thank God for purpose in life. So many purposes come into existence when one works the will of God, that there is no excuse for the laziness or wasted time. He is redeeming our lives, as well as our souls.” – Jim Elliot


We have begun the year 2019. What are you thinking when you hear that sentence? Are you thinking of how slowly 2018 went by, or that you wish time would tick by faster? I am sure you are not. Most likely you are saying something like, “this year has absolutely FLOWN...

Nothing to Pay

Nothing to pay! Ah, nothing to pay! Never a word of excuse to say! Year after year thou hast filled the score, Owing thy LORD still more and more. Hear the voice of Jesus say, “Verily thou hast nothing to pay! Ruined, lost art thou, and yet I forgave thee all that...