Blueberry Coffeecake

For a yummy breakfast treat last Saturday, Kathryn and I made Blueberry Coffeecake together! We found the recipe in No-Guesswork Cooking, one of our favorite recipe books. We mixed it up Friday night and then put it in the fridge. Early on Saturday morning, Kathryn...

Holiday Breakfast Traditions

Family traditions… aren’t they wonderful?! They give the family unit yet another little bond, an extra piece of security, and over all, family traditions help to build the family’s identity and make them who they are! I am grateful for parents who have encouraged us...

Oreo Truffles

Problem: Taste buds craving oreo truffles, but no recipe was known. Solution: Check online!! A little while back, we were staying with a family who served us a delicious candy — oreo truffles!! Ahhh…. I can almost taste them now… they’re just so good, that is,...

Asian Cuisine Concoctions

So much has been happening… and we have a whole list of blog posts that need to go up…… But we had to stop here for a moment and give you these simply scrumptious sauce recipes we tried tonight! In a flurry of trying to get dinner for a hungry bunch of people and...