We Played the “Old Days”!!

Last week Daddy and Mommy went on a date, and so us little kids played outside with Kitty. We played like we were from the old days. We had a covered wagon and a horse to pull it (and that was Victoria 🙂 ). Kitty was the mom and all of us had funny names and were her...

From Disastrous to Delectable

It was a birthday that will be hard to forget – at least the cake part. At the time, I was probably about 12, and Mom had given me permission to make my own birthday cake… and it was fun… and funny to some. I chose to make what is called a Banana Pudding Cake. It was...

The Cookie Marathon

A few nights ago, while Mom and Dad were out for the evening, we kids decided to spend our time by having a “cookie marathon,” trying to make as many batches of cookies as we could while they were gone. Soon, butter, sugar, flour, and chocolate chips covered the...

North Carolina Snow Storm!

When Amanda, Jessica, and I got home from the Wilds, the skies had dumped a regular blizzard on our area and our front hill was perfect for sledding! (Keep in mind a “good snow” for our area is about four inches! Ha ha!) The rest of the Team  had already had...