Try Again

What could be more delightful on a warm summer day than a big bowl of cool, refreshing watermelon? Well, something you may not know about the Neely Team is that, as much as we love watermelon, I do not think we could grow them if our lives depended on it. Growing...

A Reminder from the Past

Sometimes as you go about a normal day with it’s projects and activities, God drops a special gift in your path. It might be a kind word, a sweet smile, an encouraging note, or even a special past memory of someone or something dear. This was the case for me as I was...

Blueberries & Special Thanks

For many years we have waited for our blueberry bushes to bear fruit, and at last, due to the unfailing goodness of the Lord and the experienced skill of Michael Staddon, the first deliciously fresh blueberry pie made it to the table. Thank you, Michael! Praise...

Spring Musings

For as many years as we have lived in here in the mountains, I don’t think I have ever seen our blooming cherry trees break forth with such loveliness as they have this year! To see the fluffy pink blossoms decked appropriately with hints of green as they bend and...