by Kathryn | Jan 23, 2010 | Family News, Projects, Tidbits
On January 9, Daddy led our family in a vision meeting where we reviewed the events of 2009, wrote out our family purpose, and then made goals to accomplish together in 2010. Right before we did this, Daddy had us separate into different parts of the house to spend...
by Jessica | Jan 18, 2010 | Family News, Trips & Travels
Wow! What can you say after a week of incredible preaching, inspiring music, fun activities, and refreshing fellowship?? That is what we experienced this past week. Amanda, Kathryn, and I were blessed with the opportunity to attend the Wilds Music Conference with some...
by The Neely Team | Jan 15, 2010 | Family News, Our Home to Yours
As an excellent conclusion to our week of blessings, the Barnes family came for a wonderful time of fellowship! Target shooting, playing in the freezing outdoors, working jigsaw puzzles, looking at the amazing pictures from their trip to Yellowstone this past...
by The Neely Team | Jan 11, 2010 | Family News, Memory Making, Our Home to Yours, Product Reviews
About 28 hours after the Conns left, 🙁 we had the joy of hosting the Staddon family for a few days!! While passing through on their way back to West Virginia, they blessed us by spending their New Year’s Eve with us! It would take hours to tell about all of the...
by The Neely Team | Jan 10, 2010 | Family News, Memory Making, Our Home to Yours
The last week of December was an unbelievably BUSY week… but it was also one of the highlights of the year because it was filled to overflowing with something we love: having tons of people in our home! During the whole week, we had fantastic fellowship and...
by Amanda | Jan 2, 2010 | Family News, Memory Making, Product Reviews
I have been trying to get this up for several days, but it’s better late than never, right? 🙂 So… Every year, we try to think of ways to simplify the Christmas season so that we can concentrate more on the true meaning of Christmas – that Jesus came to Earth to save...