by Victoria | Sep 20, 2009 | Family News
For all of you that read my previous post, Of Birds and Their Baby’s…Maybe, here is the result. After three weeks of waiting, the eggs didn’t hatch. Talk about anti-climatic! We still don’t know if we have two females or a mated pair, but we will have to wait and see....
by Victoria | Aug 31, 2009 | Family News, Grins & Giggles
August 19, 2009 5:32 a.m. It’s still dark outside. The whole world is asleep, except for us, because we are getting ready to go to our first violin lesson with a new teacher, at a new time, and, of course, in a new place. Everything thing is still, there are a few...
by Kathryn | Aug 21, 2009 | Family News
For many summers, we have had the privilege of going with some friends of ours (the Otts) to a local blueberry patch (owned by the Ott’s neighbor) to pick blueberries and stock our freezers. 🙂 We are thankful for the generosity of the owners, who let us come and pick...
by The Neely Team | Aug 19, 2009 | Family News
The crew starting out to pick the corn: Mom, Lauren, Herman, Bethany, and Hannah $5.00 to the first person to find Lauren… Never mind – we found her. 🙂 ...
by The Neely Team | Aug 15, 2009 | Family News, FEW Conference, Trips & Travels
As the end part of our trip last week, the Lord allowed us to attend a Family Encouragement Weekend Conference (FEW Conference) in Fairfax, Virginia. Wow! Our friends, the Wilkes Team did an outstanding job hosting it, and there were nearly two hundred people there;...
by The Neely Team | Aug 13, 2009 | Family News, Trips & Travels
We took a day to go to the zoo on Wednesday of last week. This is a resulting interview between Amanda and Susanna, Lauren, Herman and Bethany: Amanda: What was your favorite part of the zoo? Susanna: I liked the bobcats! A: What did you learn about the bobcats? S:...